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Investment Policy

2009年11月4日 09:11

一、Land Policy

For newly established enterprises in the Industrial Park, the government will transfer the land-use right by adopting public bidding in terms of the base price of the lowest bidding price (140 Yuan/per m2) in Zhejiang Province.


二、Finance Reward Policy on Newly Established Enterprises

 1For the newly established enterprises in the Industrial Park, the County Financial Administration will give full rewards on value-added tax within three years after handling industrial and commercial registration. In the later two years, the reward will be reduced by 50%. In addition, the County Financial Administration will give full rewards on business income tax within five years after the date of making profits.

 2For the newly established industrial enterprises in the Industrial Parkthe County Financial Authority will give rewards in terms of land-use rate and fixed assets as follows: Enterprises with fixed assets between 10 million Yuan and 50 million Yuan will get reward of 30,000 Yuan/per mu. Enterprises with fixed assets between 50 million Yuan and 100 million Yuan will get reward of 50,000 Yuan/per mu. As for enterprises that invest over 100 million Yuan, the County Financial Administration will practice “One discussion on each matter”, and give more rewards. 


三、Incentive Policy on Supporting Enterprises Development

1Give rewards to the enterprises that come into a new step on scale. If the yearly sales incomes of the enterprises reach 5 million Yuan (150,000 Yuan actual taxation expense), 50 million Yuan, 100 million Yuan, 300 million Yuan, 500 million Yuan, and 1 billion Yuan for the first time, and the actual taxation expenses amount to 150,000 Yuan, 2 million Yuan, 4 million Yuan, 12 million Yuan, 20 million Yuan, and 40 million Yuan, the County Financial Administration will give rewards of 10,000 Yuan, 20,000 Yuan, 50,000 Yuan, 100,000 Yuan, 200,000 Yuan, and 500,000 Yuan respectively to the enterprises at one time.

 2Encourage the enterprises to list. The County Financial Authority will give full rewards on tax that should be paid when the enterprises strive to list. The county government will give 300,000 Yuan rewards to the business owners at one time after the enterprises successfully get listed on stock market and use the raised funds for the construction of local projects.

3Encourage the enterprises to build technology research and development centers. For the acknowledged provincial-level technology centers or high-tech R&D centers, enterprises can get 100,000 Yuan rewards from the county government at one time. And for the acknowledged state-level technology centers or high-tech R&D centers, enterprises can get 200,000 Yuan rewards from the county government at one time.

4Encourage the enterprises to strive for the high-tech enterprises. For the acknowledged provincial-level and state-level high-tech enterprises, the county government will give 50,000 Yuan and 100,000 Yuan rewards respectively to the enterprises at one time.

5Encourage the enterprises to develop new products. For the acknowledged provincial-level and state-level industrial new products that have been put into mass production, the county government will give 50,000 Yuan and 100,000 Yuan rewards respectively to the project development groups at one time.

6Incentive Policy on Silicon Industry Development

(1) For the newly established silicon enterprises, the County Financial Administration will give full rewards on value-added tax and business income tax within five years from the date of handling industrial and commercial registration. (It operates according to the requirements of the new round reform of town and township financial system)  The various service charges and operation charges (except water and electricity charges, pollution charge, and rubbish treatment charge) involved in the construction period will be collected in terms of the standards checked by the Financial and Price Control Departments. The charges collected for the province will be implemented according to the minimum standard.

(2) For polycrystalline silicon projects with annual actual production capacity of 1,000 tons or above. After the completion of the project with actual production capacity of 1,000 tons, the Financial Administration will give 10,000,000 Yuan rewards at one time to the enterprise. On this basis, for each additional 100 tons of annual actual production capacity, the enterprise can get another 1,000,000 Yuan at one time from the county government.

 (3) For solar cells projects with annual actual production capacity of 25 MW or above. After the completion of the project with actual production capacity of 25 MW, the Financial Administration will give 2,000,000 Yuan rewards at one time to the enterprise. On this basis, for each additional 25 MW of annual actual production capacity, the enterprise can get another 2,000,000 Yuan at one time from the county government.

 (4) For solar cells and modules projects with annual actual production capacity of 25 MW or above. After the completion of the project with actual production capacity of 25 MW, the Financial Administration will give 3,000,000 Yuan rewards at one time to the enterprise. On this basis, for each additional 25 MW of annual actual production capacity, the enterprise can get another 3,000,000 Yuan at one time from the county government.

 (5) Give more support for the technology reform of silicon industry. For the enterprises that equipment (not including second hand equipment) investment amounts exceed 5,000,000 Yuan, the County Financial Administration will give reward of 1% of the equipment investment amounts to the enterprises at one time after the completion of the project. And the ceiling subsidy is 200,000 Yuan.



来源: 招商局  作者:  编辑: 陈体法



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